
First Wednesday Lenten Divine Service

February 21, 2024 • Alex Lancaster • Exodus 1:1–14


Like Israel in Exodus, the church today is held captive in spiritual "Egypt" -- the present evil age. Like the wicked Pharaoh, the devil and ruler of this world afflicts God's people with heavy burdens. Some of these burdens are physical (pain, suffering, death), and some are spiritual (false doctrine, false prophets, and false teachers). Amid such fiery trials, when the storm storms of life come thick and fast and when the church seems more divided than ever, we can easily become exhausted and anxious. We long for peace, yet we do not seem to have it. However, God has promised to be with us in these trials through Word and Sacrament. Through these gifts, God will carry our burden for us, strengthen us in our faith, and grant us “the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.” And ultimately, he will bring us to eternal life, where we will have rest from our hardship forever. Through this passage in Exodus, God teaches us that our afflictions are momentary, but His help is forever.