

Detox -- Part 7

July 31, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

In this series, we have discussed various types of toxic relationships and people. But there is one thing that you can do that covers any relationship or toxic person you will encounter. In fact, it is something that was practiced by Christ Himself. Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he examines the incredible importance of boundaries in your relationships, and where these boundaries need to be set. You will see your relationships with others and with God transform as you seek a healthy and balanced practice of interacting with others who may be poisoning your life.

Detox -- Part 6

July 24, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

Taking offense lends power to the one that offended you. When you are offended, you are essentially handing a little bit of control of your life over to the one that offended you. And as much as we may pretend that we cannot help it, the fact remains that being offended is a choice. It is possible to live a completely unoffendable life, and take back control of your life. What exactly is being offended, and why is it so dangerous? What can we as children of God do about being offended? Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he continues his discussion of offense in Part 6 of Detox.

Detox -- Part 5

July 17, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

There is a very real and very powerful spirit of offense at work in our world today. In a generation that seems to be actively looking for something by which they can be offended, we must be aware of the influence of this spirit on us even in the church. This spirit seeks to destroy relationships and impair the work of God not only in your own life, but in the collective body of Christ. This spirit can and will attach itself to various aspects of your life in order to keep you away from what God has planned for you. Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he examines the strategies of this spirit of offense, and what you can do to live a life that is un-offendable, in Part 5 of Detox.

Detox -- Part 4

June 26, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

We have been discussing various types of toxic relationships you may encounter in your life. But there is one toxic relationship that tends to go under the radar, unnoticed and untreated for far too long, until it has done much damage under the surface. Emotionally abusive relationships are very real, and they need to be discussed and dealt with. What does Scripture say about emotional abuse? What can you, as a child of God, do to combat emotional abuse in your life, either being committed against you, or perhaps even being committed by you? Dr. Mark Lantz tackles these questions and more as he seeks to help you recognize emotional abuse, the truths you must know to combat it in your own life, and what you must do if you find emotionally abusive tendencies in your own life. Join us as we seek freedom from these relationships in Part 4 of Detox.

Detox -- Part 3

June 5, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

The church should be a place people can come to be healed and encouraged. Unfortunately, many times, some within the church push outsiders away, or invite them in and pressure them to the point that they become bitter. Why do these tendencies exist? What can we do about intimidation and manipulation within the body of Christ? Intimidation and manipulation are not simply personality issues, they are spiritual issues. We must be aware of these toxic spirits that are constantly trying to infiltrate our communities and tear them apart from the inside out. Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he examines these spiritual influences and how you can fight back against them in Part 3 of Detox.

Detox -- Part 2

May 29, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

There are people who live their lives firmly convinced that everyone is out to get them. They see every adversity as a personal attack, and they are just waiting for someone to brush the chip off their shoulder. Life will put us into contact with these people. Or, perhaps more concerning, we ourselves might unwittingly adopt this victim mentality ourselves. How can you recognize a victim mentality? What does Scripture have to say about it? And what can you do when you're in conflict with someone with a victim mentality? Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he examines this very common dilemma in Part 2 of Detox.

Detox -- Part 1

May 22, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

People are often frustrating. We find ourselves tired of dealing with clashing personalities and wills, and we wonder just how we are supposed to live with people who drive us up the wall. But many of us are not aware of the most potentially toxic relationship of all: our relationship with ourselves. You will not be able to live with other people, especially difficult people, until you solve the problem of having a healthy relationship with yourself. But what are the steps toward this relationship? What does Scripture say about self-image and how it impacts our view of other people? Join Dr. Mark Lantz on part 1 of a brand-new Life on Purpose series: Detox.