
Detox -- Part 4

Dealing with Emotionally Abusive People

June 26, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

We have been discussing various types of toxic relationships you may encounter in your life. But there is one toxic relationship that tends to go under the radar, unnoticed and untreated for far too long, until it has done much damage under the surface.

Emotionally abusive relationships are very real, and they need to be discussed and dealt with. What does Scripture say about emotional abuse? What can you, as a child of God, do to combat emotional abuse in your life, either being committed against you, or perhaps even being committed by you?

Dr. Mark Lantz tackles these questions and more as he seeks to help you recognize emotional abuse, the truths you must know to combat it in your own life, and what you must do if you find emotionally abusive tendencies in your own life. Join us as we seek freedom from these relationships in Part 4 of Detox.

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