
107. Calling Out False Teachers

May 16, 2024 • Lisa Scheffler

We're back in 2 Timothy this week. Lisa hits Bruce with some questions he wasn't ready for (but answered wisely anyway) such as is it right to call out modern-day false teachers by name? And can Americans really claim that we're persecuted when our Christian siblings in other parts of the world are losing their homes, livelihoods, and even their lives? You'll want to hear this discussion.

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

June 13, 2024 • Lisa Scheffler

How can we have more joy in our lives? In week 2 of our Fruit of the Spirit series, Lisa and Rafe talk about finding joy even in the hard times and how we can remove obstacles to joy.

Fruit of the Spirit: Love

June 6, 2024 • Lisa Scheffler

We would probably all admit that we could be more loving, joyful, patient, and kind. So, this summer we're focusing on the fruit of the Spirit and Bruce and Lisa are starting with the one that binds them altogether — love.

How to Respond when People let you Down

May 29, 2024

We're wrapping up our 2 Timothy series and while we may be tempted to skip over these last few verses and all the hard-to-pronounce names, Lisa and Bruce discovered a wealth of wisdom packed in here. Paul shows us how to respond when people let us down.