
10-24-21 Measuring My Progress

Deep Faith

October 24, 2021 • Pastor George Gasperson

It would be helpful to have a way to document spiritual growth. Wouldn’t it be encouraging to objectively see yourself growing? Here is a simple method of gauging your spiritual growth. It consists of 5 strategic questions you can ask yourself, and if you give these questions attention instead of a passing glance, I think you can accurately assess how much you’ve grown spiritually over the last weeks and months.

11-21-21 My Role in a Church Family

November 19, 2021 • Acts 2:36–37

Every follower of Jesus has multiple roles they need to play in the church family. For us to learn what those are, we are going to study the very first church.

11-14-21 Deep Faith through Worship

November 14, 2021

Deep faith in knowing that we are worship beings. All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. Psalm 86. 9

11-07-21 Spiritual Gifts

November 7, 2021 • Pastor George Gasperson

A spiritual gift is the endowment from the Holy Spirit of a special ability to every member of the body of Christ for the edification and benefit of the other members. In other words, spiritual gifts are given to every part of the body of Christ so they can minister and encourage the other members.