
02-11-24 The 7 Churches-Philadelphia

February 11, 2024 • Pastor George Gasperson • Revelation 3:7–13

Compared to the other 6 churches, we know relatively little about the church in Philadelphia. From Jesus’ letter, we know that while they weren’t strong or influential, they had a unique quality that Jesus focused on and praised them for: they were faithful. We talk a lot about the faithfulness of God, but not so much about the value that God places on our faithfulness. In today’s letter, we’ll see how God rewards faithfulness.

How can Christ Community Church become a faithful church in the eyes of Jesus? It starts with you and me. In our hearts, we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, and we begin to live under His authority. Then we band together as a collection of people who live under the banner and the authority of Jesus. When life beats us down and saps our strength, we stand together in collective resolve, believing that Jesus is in control, and living what we believe. This is the picture of a faithful church. And this is the kind of faith that Jesus rewards.