
Giving First-Fruits to God | Pastor Paul | Contemporary

October 15, 2023 • Paul Lawler

Series: Above & Beyond

Part 2: Giving First Fruits to God

Sermon by: Rev. Paul Lawler

In this sermon, which is part of a Stewardship Series, Pastor Paul Lawler discusses the importance of giving first fruits to God. He emphasizes that handling money is a test from God and reflects our priorities, loyalties, and affections. The sermon identifies three patterns of life-giving firsts:

1. The Pattern of the Firstborn: According to Exodus 13:2, the firstborn belongs to God and must be consecrated or redeemed. This principle extends to giving God the first of one's time, as well.

2. The Pattern of First Fruits: Exodus 23:19a and Proverbs 3:9-10 emphasize bringing the best of the first fruits of one's crops to the house of the Lord. This act of honoring God with one's wealth leads to blessings.

3. The Pattern of the Tithe: The word "tithe" means a tenth, and it refers to giving the first 10% of one's income. Tithing demonstrates faith in God to provide and acknowledges Him as first in one's life.

The sermon underscores that what is given to God is not lost but redeemed, while what is withheld from God leads to loss. It emphasizes the importance of giving to God before knowing if there will be enough, trusting Him to take care of all aspects of life. Tithing is seen as a primary way to acknowledge God as first.

The sermon draws parallels to the story of the fall of Jericho, where all the spoils were consecrated to the Lord because it was the first city conquered in the Promised Land. Disobedience in taking what was consecrated led to a curse.

Pastor Paul quotes Malachi 3:8-9, highlighting the consequences of robbing God by not tithing. They argue that this principle remains relevant, as Jesus also endorsed tithing in Luke 11:42.

The sermon concludes by emphasizing the blessings experienced by tithers and the hope for a day when all church members tithe, eliminating the need for special offerings or fundraising activities.