
The Gift of Awe Before a Holy God | Pastor Paul (Contemporary Service, Sunday Morning, 11 am)

December 17, 2023

Sermon: The Gift of Awe Before a Holy God

Series: Advent 2023

Scripture: Multiple

Teacher: Rev. Paul Lawler

Awe is a powerful emotion—a blend of reverence, respect, fear, and wonder—and it's a feeling that can be ignited when we contemplate the grandeur of creation. Our spiritual exploration draws from the wisdom of ancient scriptures, such as Psalm 19:1, which proclaims, "The heavens declare the glory of the Lord," and the awe-inspiring birth of Christ as recorded in Luke 2:9-15.

In this sermon, Rev. Paul Lawler focuses on the angels—the first beings to praise God when Christ was born. These angels, sinless and without need for a Savior, offer us a profound lesson in praise. They praise Jesus for who He is—the image of the invisible God, the Creator, and the upholder of the universe.

In contrast to the heavenly hosts, we discover that God often chooses to reveal His glory to those society considers outcasts. The shepherds, with their less-than-stellar reputations, were the first to receive the good news of Jesus' birth. This tells us that God's message is intentional and powerful: He came for sinners, for those in need of His grace and redemption.

Pastor Paul explores the parallels between the shepherds and ourselves—outcasts in need of a Savior. He reflects on the beauty of creation, the praise of angels, and the transformative power of God's message to the outcasts. As you listen, may you find inspiration to awaken your own sense of awe and wonder before the majesty of our Holy God. Remember, there are no coincidences in God's plan, and this sermon is a testament to His intentional and redemptive love.