
Stewardship is Lordship | Pastor Paul | Contemporary

October 22, 2023 • Paul Lawler • 1 Peter 4:10

Series: Above & Beyond

Part 3: Stewardship is Lordship

Sermon by: Rev. Paul Lawler

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:10

In this sermon, Pastor Paul Lawler draws inspiration from 1 Peter 4:10 and emphasizes that stewardship goes beyond just managing money and resources; it is a concept intrinsically tied to lordship.

Rev. Lawler underscores the fundamental principle that everything belongs to God, and humans are appointed as stewards to care for His creation. Each person possesses unique gifts given by their Creator, and these gifts are intended to be used in service to others. We are encouraged to embrace our gifts, even if we don't feel particularly gifted because significant ministry often happens in the ordinary aspects of life.

As stewards, we must acknowledge that we don't own anything; we only manage what God has entrusted to us. This understanding leads to a sense of responsibility and obedience, recognizing that all we have is under God's control. Being a faithful steward is akin to being a faithful servant, and there is a potential reward for those who faithfully fulfill their role as stewards.

The transformative nature of the gospel shifts the perspective from trying to earn God's favor through good deeds to a desire to serve God wholeheartedly out of gratitude for His love and acceptance.