
One Nation Under God

Part 4

November 22, 2020 • Jeremy Helmuth

Many of us recited this phrase hundreds of times every morning in their school classroom growing up, but what does it mean for God to actually lead this nation? We must remind ourselves what it means for God to be the Lord of our lives. Psalm 33 presents several characteristics of a nation that places God in his rightful place. As we pray for God’s kingdom to come, we desire King Jesus to lead us. Is this even possible today when so many people in our nation hate God and his standards? With God, all things are possible! In this sermon, we will see how God has brought revival in many different nations (not just Israel) throughout the centuries when his people exalt the God of the universe. Come and be inspired to lift God to the throne of your life. You will walk away from this sermon with a renewed vision of how to help those around you turn from their wicked ways and instead seek after God.