
An Expected Momentary Suffering

Chilliwack Campus

October 30, 2022 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • Acts 19:23–41

There is something about Christianity that upsets the world, that has caused prayers and the Bible to be kicked out of schools, hospitals, and government offices… Even during the Christmas celebration, you are no longer allowed to say “Merry Christmas” in the market place, you have to say “happy holidays” and you will see many signs that instead of “Christmas” will read “Xmas” getting rid of the word “Christ”.

As you read the book of Acts you can clearly see how when the first church grew and people were presented with the message of Christ, opposition also began to grow, and persecution was real. But how do we as Christians respond to this? and what is to be the confidence that we may cling to when things get tough with our non-believing family, our coworkers, or the people we deal with on a regular basis?

The text we’ll read today will give us a picture of this opposition but at the same time, the Word of God will teach us how we are to respond, and more importantly, that even when we are in the midst of really dangerous situations, our Lord will never leave us.

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