
The True Commitments Of A Christian

Promontory Campus

November 27, 2022 • Dr. Jorge Salazar • Acts 20:17–38

I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of the revolutionaries; those men and women who fought for a noble ideal and inspired others to join the fight despite of doing it at the cost of comfort, safety, and in most cases their lives… People who had a clear idea of what was worth fighting for and the goal of leaving behind a legacy for their children, their grandchildren, and the generations to come, even if they didn’t get to see the result in their lifetime. They were committed to fighting or die trying.


When we came to Christ and gave Him our lives, we were in fact enlisting in His army. We changed our allegiance from the world and self to Jesus and His Kingdom. We understood that we didn’t want to continue our paths as enemies of God, and we accepted the reconciliation offered through Christ alone. As we grow in the knowledge of what this reconciliation and adoption into the family of God means, we also need to learn what is required of us as Christians.


As we continue our series on the book of Acts, my prayers is that in the text we’ll study today we’ll be able to clearly understand the true commitments of a Christian.

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