
Songs of Deliverance

June 27, 2021 • Pastor Steve Poole

June 27 - SONGS OF DELIVERANCE - Psalm 129 – Steve Poole

THEME: Sharing Stories of God’s Deliverance

1. God faithfully and repeatedly delivers His people (vs. 1-4)
There is POWER in telling and retelling stories of God’s faithful and repeated deliverance throughout our lives and history.
o Deuteronomy 4:9-14
o Deuteronomy 6:7, 20-25
o Deuteronomy 11:19, 2-5
Yearly festivals to remember God’s faithful deliverance
o Exodus 12:24-27

2. God limits the success of the enemies of His people (vs. 5-8)
Last year a Christian was killed for their faith every 110 seconds
Hebrews 11:32-38
The ultimate end of the wicked is feeling empty--all their hard work comes to naught. Spurgeon puts it this way: “Thus do the wicked come to nothing. By God's just appointment they prove a disappointment. Their fire ends in smoke; their verdure turns to vanity; their flourishing is but a form of withering. No one profits by them, least of all are they profitable to themselves. Their aim is bad, their work is worse, their end is worst of all.”

Read Psalm 129 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.
Boldly tell stories of God’s faithfulness and with confidence love our enemies