
Songs of Unity

July 25, 2021 • Gary Sager

SONGS OF COMMUNITY - Psalm 133 – Gary Sager

THEME - Togetherness is where God will pour out blessing.

1. Life Together (vs. 1)
* Togetherness is where God will pour out blessing.
* When families are left to their own devices, we fight.
* We cannot achieve unity; we must receive it.
* The book of Acts describes the early church and its remarkable unity. (Acts 2:42-47)

2. Blessing Running down (vs. 2)
* Life together is a gift based on the mercy of God.
* The oil running down on Aaron’s head, running down on his beard, and running down on his collar, is a picture of the blessing of God descending upon his people.
* The atoning sacrifices made by priests were a reminder of our sins and the need for God’s mercy. (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9)
* The followers of Christ are holy and set apart for priestly service to the King of kings and Lord of Lords.
* By seeing each other as God's anointed one, our relationships are profoundly affected!

3. Life-Giving Water (vs. 3a)
* Think of the new life that would burst forth, the fresh growth that would flourish, the potential that could be fulfilled if the dew of Mt Hermon fell on Mt Zion.
* We are irrigators for one another.
* A community of faith flourishes when we view each other with expectancy.
* We need each other for the journey.

4. A Foretaste of Heaven (vs. 3b)
* God gives his blessing where believers live together in unity.
* Living together in unity is a foretaste of heaven.
* Following Jesus is a communal endeavor.
* Christian unity is a gift from God (Ephesians 4:3)
* The Christian fellowship we experience on earth is a foretaste of the perfect fellowship we will share with each other in heaven. (2 Cor. 1:21-22)
* For us, Jesus is that life giving water that enables eternal life.

5. Under One Head (John 17:23)
* Unity is central to God’s plan. (Ephesians 1:10)
* Community brings God’s blessing.
* Faith in Jesus saves us, but community is a crucial part of God’s saving plan.

1. Read Psalm 133 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.
2. Ponder how can we walk in God’s gift of community?