
Songs of Security

May 30, 2021 • Pastor Steve Poole

Psalm 125
Steve Poole

THEME What does our security in God in look like?

1. The TRUTH is we ARE secure in God
• Sometimes our feelings don’t match the truth of Scripture.
• We must submit out feelings to the truth.
• God’s Word is the ultimate authority, not our feelings.

2. Emotional roller coaster does NOT invalidate our security in God
• We are established ‘like Mount Zion’ (Psalm 125:1)
• Scepter of Wickedness/Rod (Psalm 125:3)
• Isaiah 10:24-25

3. Defeat does NOT invalidate our security in God
• Defeats will come, but they are temporary.
• His steadfast, covenantal love never waivers and never fails
• It’s good to pray for justice.

4. Injustice doesn’t invalidate our security in God
• We live in a world corrupted by sin.
• We fight injustice from the high ground of our identity in Christ.

• Read Psalm 125 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.
• Declare “Peace be upon Cedar Hills” – a promise for those secure in God.
• Where you feel defeat, failure, or despair, pray “Shalom be upon_____”