

February 21, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Haggai 'Let It Rain'
Verse 9- Israel went into captivity and returned home
They did not put the Lord first. They did not rebuild the temple
vs9-11 - Haggai says 2 Things would happen if Israel did not put the Lord first.
(1) He will blow away Israels' blessings
The Lord wants to bless His people, but disobedience causes a God reaction
The problem is never the Lord, but our disobedience to His Word and voice
(2) It will not Rain
v10 - there would not be an open heaven
v11 - there will be a drought and no rain at all
Why do we need spiritual rain?
(1) Because of the condition of our nation
(2) Because of the condition of the body of Christ in general
(3) Because we do not have much time left
The return of the Lord is going to happen quickly

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