
It's Happening

July 25, 2019 • Angi Magoulis

It Is Happening! Matthew 11:1-6
Repent so that we can be filled
Respond to the move of Holy Spirit
Reach the lost. We have one job.....winning souls.
R #1- Repentance :Colossians 3:4-14
Sins of the heart : Jealousy, Envy, Bitterness, Hatred, Pride, Unforgiveness.....
Sins of the heart can be sneaky and we need to be on guard to notice them and get them out.
R #2- Respond :1 Samuel 3:4-10
God chose to speak to use Samuel for two reasons:
1- because Samuel was humble and ready
2- because Samuel was quick to respond to the Lord the second He moved.
To receive from the Lord we need to be humble and ready at all times.
R #3- Reach Acts 1:6-7
When there is a spirit of expectancy in the body of Christ- GOD MOVES

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