

September 30, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

The Day of Pentecost
The day of Pentecost was the beginning of the church - lev 23:15-22
The church consists of two wave loaves - v17
The bread was lifted up by the priests
There is leaven in the bread - v17
The church is made of flour
V17 - Two tenths of a bushel of flour were ingredients in making bread
This represents a double portion of the Holy Spirit

The Gospel Of Mark

October 27, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Mark 8:31-33 Peter rebukes Jesus - means to http://disapprove...to reprimand Jesus was fighting against Satan and not Peter WAYS TO KEEP SATAN UNDER YOUR FEET Know that satan is under your defeat - Colossians 2:13-15 Satan was defeated at the cross 1. We can never be tempted with more than we can handle - 1 Corinthians 10:13 2. The power of temptation coming against us is not greater than the presence of the Holy Spirit within us 3. Prayer keeps us from entering into temptation - Matthew 26:41


September 23, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

ACTS The Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:1 One of the 7 Jewish feasts Verse 16-21 Pentecost was an acknowledgement of the provision and faithfulness of the Lord Pentecost was a celebration of the harvest - v22a Prayer that creates an open heaven - Mark 2:1-4 For there to be a spiritual harvest We must understand the priority of evangelism We need people to bring the unreached to Jesus

The Gospel of Mark

September 20, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Mark 8 1. Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ - vs27-30 2. Jesus predicts His death and resurrection v31 - MUST - means it is necessary It was necessary for Jesus to suffer on the cross - the pain of the cross Jesus went through painful times - Luke 4:16-21, 28-30 - rejection We will go through painful times as believers 1. The Lord created everyone with the power to choose A free will does not have to give in to the pressure from the enemy or people 1 Corinthians 10:13 A free will chooses God's direction from the Word of God and the voice of God 2. Everyone is responsible for their own choices