
Matthew 6:19-24

Essential Services

April 19, 2020 • Nate Gallagher

Point 1: What We Do

Quote: “we shouldn’t imagine he means ‘don’t worry about this life – get ready for the next one’. ‘Heaven’ here is where God is right now, and where, if you learn to love and serve God right now, you will have treasure in the present, not just in the future.” -N T Wright

Point 2: What We Desire

Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)

Matthew 5:14-16 (NKJV)

Point 3: What We Are Dedicated To

Action Items:

1. Develop or decide on essential spiritual practices

2. Limit Non-Essential Intake

3. Be Generous To Those Around You

4. Pray for a deeper desire for closeness with God