
Nehemiah 6-7


May 14, 2020 • Jim Gallagher

We must learn lessons from the lives of those who have lived through times similar to our difficult times. Nehemiah under attack gives us insight to a godly response.

Point 1: The Word of God is essential.

Point 2: Prayer is essential.

To be selected as a leader one must be 1) faithful, and 2) fear God

Point 3: Worship is essential. Ministry is important.

Action 1: Since the bible, prayer and worship are essential, What are some ways to make a daily investments in your walk with God?

Action 2: Share a bible verse with others that has had an impact upon you this week. Post that verse.

Action 3: Reach out to at least one person from Calvary you haven’t spoken to in a while. Find out how you can pray for them.

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Malachi 1-4

June 11, 2020 • Jim Gallagher

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Nehemiah 11-13

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Nehemiah 9-10

May 28, 2020 • Jim Gallagher

The only way to develop an accurate understanding of God is by Revelation! Point 1: Man is broken, but God is merciful. - It is the Compassion of God that moves Him to come to the Aid of Fallen Man Point 2: Suffering comes from: - Broken due to the World being Broken - Mistreatment of others - Self-Inflicted Suffering Action item: Write out a covenant between you and God. Include verbiage allowing God to evaluate your life with his word and committing your personal life, family life, community life and church life to the Lord. Sign it and share it with someone you trust.