
New Covenant Discipleship

2 Corinthians 3:1-6, 18. Luke 9. 03/01/2020

March 1, 2020 • Matthew Carver

Because we start our Christian walks incredibly self-imposed, New Covenant discipleship must occur that strips us of our old way of thinking and fills us and focuses us on the glory of God. Jesus' aim for us is to take us on a journey from self-sufficiency to Him-sufficiency, and for that he must confront us and expose to us the self-deceit that resides in each one of our hearts. It is a painful process, but it is a process we can trust him in because he has loved us with an everlasting covenant of love, and because he is the only one qualified in the truth to lead us into what is actually true. That very discipleship journey is illustrated in the journey Jesus leads the disciples in in Luke 9.