

Sermon 4 of 4 (Redemption's Special Digital Gathering Because of the Coronavirus)

March 15, 2020

Redemption is gathering online with this digital service to worship together. We welcome you to join us online on all of our church-wide digital platforms: our App (including Apple TV), YouTube, Facebook, and RedemptionIN.com. An on-demand service will be available Sunday morning at 8 a.m. EDT. You can view this service via your phones (you can also stream to your TVs), tablets, Apple TV, and/or computers.

In light of the governor’s request to limit large-crowd gatherings, Redemption’s leadership has decided to love our neighbors, by striving for public safety during this unique time in our nation. However, we urge you to gather on Sunday in your homes with your community groups, neighbors, and others who surround you. We urge you to sing together (even if it’s a bit awkward), take communion together to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and listen to God’s word proclaimed together.

About this sermon series:
Some lies or myths are told so often, they come to be accepted as common sense. This is why lies about God are especially dangerous. In fact, Paul warned Timothy several times to avoid silly myths. These lies have been and always will be attractive to people. In this series, we will identify some common myths we live by — often without even knowing it.