December 24, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 1:19–34
Theme: Simply Jesus: Witness to the Lamb
Passage: John 1:19–34
Our witness to the Lamb ...
1. Takes place in a world that questions, opposes, and rejects (19–23).
2. Must point others away from self to the Lord’s Way (24–31).
3. Testifies to God’s miraculous work in Jesus Christ (32–34).
Main Idea: Witness isn’t about you but simply Jesus.
Application Questions:
· Why is it that we question and our naturally opposed to the Gospel message? Where have you seen this from your own experience in yourself or with others?
· How do you struggle in your own witness and service to make things about you rather than the Gospel? What can be done to counter this in your life?
· Who can you identify in your life to witness to or testify about the things Jesus has done for you? What steps will you take to do so this week?
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff
December 17, 2023 - Theme: Simply Jesus: Incarnation
Passage: John 1:14–18
In His Incarnation,
1. The Word became Human (14).
a. God dwelled with us.
b. The Word manifest God’s glory and character.
2. The Coming One came as the Greatest One (15).
3. Jesus came as Grace and Truth for all (16–17).
a. Before—Mediated Grace: God gave the Law through Moses.
b. No—Unmediated Grace: Jesus came as grace and truth.
Main Idea: Jesus came to reveal and explain the unseen God to us (18).
Application Questions:
· What is the greatest aspect of Jesus’ coming (incarnation) for you? Why?
· Why is it so significant that God became human in Jesus? Was this ultimately necessary?
· How does Jesus’ greatness (re)define greatness for us? How should greatness be measured in our lives today?
· How does Jesus define grace of us? In what ways should this affect how you demonstrate grace towards those who are in your life?
· What do we learn about God from Jesus? What can we mirror about God since we have the Spirit sent from Jesus influencing our lives?
December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 1:6–13
Theme: Simply Jesus
Passage: John 1:6–13
The Word’s coming elicits ...
1. Witness (6–8)
a. God initiates witness.
b. God works through witnesses to bring belief.
c. God transcends His witnesses.
2. Response (9–13)
a. Rejection (9–11)
i. The world He created refuses to submit to Him.
ii. His own spurn Him.
b. Reception (12–13)
i. Result: He gives the right to be God’s children.
ii. Identification:
- The ones believing in His name
- Those born of God
Main Idea: The Word came to be received.
Application Questions:
· What takeaways do you have concerning witness from this passage? How are you challenged in your witness from this text?
· Are John 1:8 and Matthew 5:14 contradictory? Why or why not?
· Can we as believers today “not receive” Jesus (v. 11)? Why or why not?
· What do we learn about being a child of God from vv. 12–13? Why is being a child of God so significant?
· How are you challenged to live this week as you see yourself as God’s witness and child?
December 3, 2023
December 3, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 1:1–5
Theme: Simply Jesus: The Word
Passage: John 1:1–5
As the Word, Jesus is ...
1. Revealer: He is the eternal God (1–2).
a. He preexisted (1a).
b. He eternally exists with God (1b).
c. He exists as God (1c).
2. Creator: Existence owes its being to Him (3–4).
a. Everything that exists came into being through Him (3).
b. He defines life itself, both physically and spiritually (4).
3. Savior: As Light, He enables life with God (5).
a. Life cannot be lived without Light.
b. Yet, darkness will confront the Light.
Main Idea: Jesus, the revelatory, creating, and saving Word, makes life with God possible.
Application Questions:
· With his mirroring the creation in Genesis 1, what was John trying to communicate about Jesus, God, life, and our future?
· What is significant in each of the descriptions of Christ found in these verses (Revealer, Creator, and Savior)? How do these impact our understanding of God?
· How is it that so many reject Jesus even though everyone owes their existence to Him, and He defines life itself?
· How does seeing Jesus as the definer of life itself challenge you in how you choose to live your life? What change needs to take place in your life this week considering this truth?