
December 3, 2023

Simply Jesus: The Word

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 1:1–5

Theme: Simply Jesus: The Word

Passage: John 1:1–5

As the Word, Jesus is ...

1.    Revealer: He is the eternal God (1–2).

a.    He preexisted (1a).

b.    He eternally exists with God (1b).

c.    He exists as God (1c).

2.    Creator: Existence owes its being to Him (3–4).

a.    Everything that exists came into being through Him (3).

b.    He defines life itself, both physically and spiritually (4).

3.    Savior: As Light, He enables life with God (5).

a.    Life cannot be lived without Light.

b.    Yet, darkness will confront the Light.

Main Idea: Jesus, the revelatory, creating, and saving Word, makes life with God possible.

Application Questions:

·     With his mirroring the creation in Genesis 1, what was John trying to communicate about Jesus, God, life, and our future?

·     What is significant in each of the descriptions of Christ found in these verses (Revealer, Creator, and Savior)? How do these impact our understanding of God?

·     How is it that so many reject Jesus even though everyone owes their existence to Him, and He defines life itself?

·     How does seeing Jesus as the definer of life itself challenge you in how you choose to live your life? What change needs to take place in your life this week considering this truth?

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