
January 20, 2019

Ezekiel 10-11

January 20, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Ezekiel 10–11
Theme: The Glory of the God Departed

Notice the themes concerning God’s glory that emerge from Ezekiel 10–11:
1. God’s glory requires that he judge sin (10:1–22).
2. Life’s circumstances don’t serve as a barometer for the glory of God (11:1–13).
3. God removes his glory from sinful people (10:4, 18–19; 11:22–24)
4. God displays his glory by transforming abandoned sinners into his faithful people (11:14–21).

Main Idea: God’s glory takes up residence among those whom he has transformed to become his people.

Application Questions:
• This text marks the end of the vision that began back in chapter 8. In Ezekiel 8–11, what specific actions or attitudes led to the departure of God from Jerusalem?
• How might there be both similarity and difference between the abandonment of his people in this OT era and what the church experiences now in relation to God? Can we experience this kind of abandonment today?
• Describe the attitude of the people in 11:1–13. What is it that they are presuming concerning God? How does this differ from God’s evaluation of them? Do we misinterpret how God sees us today? How so?
• In what ways do you see the Gospel in Ezekiel 11:14–21? What should our response be according to this passage?