
January 6, 2019

The Glory of God Revealed

January 6, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Ezekiel 1–3
Theme: The Glory of God Revealed

We need a fresh vision of God’s glory if we are to carry out God’s plan for our lives and for this ministry.

1. The appearance of God’s glory (1:4–28)
a. What the vision represents about God
i. His transcendence
ii. His holiness
iii. His sovereignty
b. What the vision implies for God’s servants
i. He accommodates to communicate with his people.
ii. He meets us where we are, no matter how dire the circumstances.
iii. He will judge sin and fight on behalf of his people for his name’s sake.

2. The call of God’s glory upon his servants (2:1–3:15)
a. The call of God’s glory and the empowerment to carry out his mission come completely from God.
b. The call of God’s glory comes to his followers where they are.
c. The call of God’s glory demands faithful obedience to his word.

Main Idea: A clear vision and understanding of God’s glory motivates his servants to carry out the ministry he has planned for them.

Application Questions:
• What does Ezekiel’s vision of God’s throne-chariot teach us about God? Go through the various descriptions of the elements of this vision in chapter 1 and indicate what they communicate about God.
• What’s so important about the fact that this vision came to Ezekiel while he and the other exiles from Israel were dwelling in Babylon?
• What indications found in chapters 2 and 3 demonstrate that successful ministry depends on God and not our own talents?
• According to God’s messages for Ezekiel in chapters 2 and 3, how does God measure success in ministry?
• What does the eating of the scroll by Ezekiel mean?
• How did Ezekiel respond to God’s glorious call on his life according to 3:12–15? What does this mean for us today?