
July 17, 2022

Vision of the Great Prostitute

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 17

Theme: Vision of the Great Prostitute
Passage: Revelation 17:1–18

John’s vision shows why this world is so deceptive.

1. It’s Seductive: The prostitute seduces (3–6) ...
through her opulence ...
her suitors to partake in her perversions ...
to violently oppose God’s people ...
by aligning with the beast.

2. It Seems Right: The Beast parodies the Lamb (8–11).
a. “Coming”
b. Rule
c. Followers

3. It Offers Power: The powerful submit to the Beast (12–14).
a. They offer their power to him.
b. They wage war with the Lamb and his followers.

4. It Masks its End: Destroyers destroy (15–17).

Main Challenge: Rather than being amazed by places, people, and possessions, focus through the deception on the victorious Lamb.

The Great Threat to Us Western Materialism

Application Questions:
• What makes our world so seductive and alluring? In what areas are you susceptible to being seduced?
• Is this world really drunk on the blood of Christians (v. 6)? How so or how not?
• Do you think those that claim to follow Christ can be misled by the Beast? In what ways?
• What does this passage teach us about power? How does the world’s approach to power differ from that of heaven (cf. 4:9–11; chap. 5; 12:10–11)?
• How do you explain the gruesome and abusive description of the “prostitute’s” end as being part of God’s purpose and plan (vv. 16–17)?
• Do you agree or disagree that the great threat to us from this vision is Western materialism? What are some practical ways to help us see through this deception to focus on Christ?

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