
October 2, 2022

A Call to Come

October 2, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 22:16–17

Passage: Revelation 22:16-17
Theme: A Call to “Come”

1. Jesus’ Testimony (16a)
a. “I, Jesus”
i. Authorization
ii. Autograph
iii. Attestation

b. “give you this testimony for the churches”
i. Warning
ii. Encouragement
iii. Exhortation

2. Jesus’ Credentials (16b)
a. He is God (“I am”)
b. He is Messiah

3. Invitations to “Come” (17)
a. The Spirit and Bride say “Come”
b. Let the hearer say “Come”
c. Let the one in need come
d. Let the desirer take freely of the life-giving water

Main Idea: Jesus’ Revelation invokes invitation.
Will you come?

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