
September 18, 2022

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 22:6–11

Theme: Revelation’s Concluding Exhortations
Passage: Revelation 22:6–11

As Revelation concludes, we are exhorted to ...

1. Keep the words of this prophecy (6–7).
a. They are true and reliable.
b. They are given by God.
c. Jesus is coming soon.
d. You are blessed for doing so.

2. Worship God alone (8–9).
a. He alone is worthy of worship.
b. He alone can reveal what will take place.
c. Everything else serves His purposes.

3. Repent while you have time.
a. God extends the call of His word to respond before time runs out.
b. Sin and right living eternize themselves.

Main Idea: We must orient our lives to God’s Word now while we have time.

Application Questions:
• From everything that you have heard and learned in this study of Revelation, what does Keep the words of the prophecy written in this scroll look like in your life?
• What does Christ mean when He says that He is coming soon in v. 7 (cf. 2:16; 3:11)?
• Although he may have been unaware of it at the time, John failed to worship God by his action toward the angel (9). How can we fail, knowingly or unknowingly, to worship God the way He deserves?
• What is the angel communicating when he commands John to not seal up the words of prophecy and to let the unrighteous and filthy, righteous and holy continue in those states? How do these commands apply to us today?
• What is God revealing in your life that you need to repent before time runs out?

More from Revelation

October 9, 2022

October 9, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 22:18–21

Passage: Revelation 22:18–21 Theme: Conclusion to Revelation Revelation’s conclusion leaves us with three final challenges: 1. Be Warned (18–19) a. To hearers who add to the Word, God will pour out His plagues. b. To hearers who subtract from the Word, God will remove them from life in His city. Application: • Teach the Word and only the Word. • Live according to the Word. 2. Trust His Promise (20) a. Jesus is coming soon! b. His followers long for His return. 3. Receive Grace (21) a. From beginning to end, its only by grace. b. Jesus offers grace to all of us. Main Idea: HEED JESUS FINAL WORDS! Application Questions: • What does it mean to add to God’s prophetic word? How are you tempted to add to God’s word? • What does it mean to subtract from God’s word? How are you tempted to subtract from God’s word? • Do these warning apply to believers? How do vv. 18–19 impact our understanding of eternal security? • What can you do to keep your focus on Christ and His coming? • What application can we make from the final statement that Jesus extends His grace to all of us?

October 2, 2022

October 2, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 22:16–17

Passage: Revelation 22:16-17 Theme: A Call to “Come” 1. Jesus’ Testimony (16a) a. “I, Jesus” i. Authorization ii. Autograph iii. Attestation b. “give you this testimony for the churches” i. Warning ii. Encouragement iii. Exhortation 2. Jesus’ Credentials (16b) a. He is God (“I am”) b. He is Messiah 3. Invitations to “Come” (17) a. The Spirit and Bride say “Come” b. Let the hearer say “Come” c. Let the one in need come d. Let the desirer take freely of the life-giving water Main Idea: Jesus’ Revelation invokes invitation. Will you come?

September 25, 2022

September 25, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 22:12–15

Passage: Revelation 22:12–15 Theme: Payday is Coming Notice three truths about payment at the Second Coming: 1. Jesus brings life’s paycheck (12–13). a. He renders payment because He is God (13). b. He pays each of us for what we have done (12b). 2. He blesses those who repent to receive His cleansing (14). a. Penitents have the right to partake in eternal life. b. They can freely come into God’s eternal presence. 3. He excludes those who remain unrepentant (15). Main Challenge: Wear clothes washed in Christ’s blood. Application Questions: • From what you heard today, do you think that there will be degrees of reward in heaven for believers? Why or why not (consider the rewards mentioned in this text)? • How do you define repentance? Is this something you did at some point or something that is an on-going process? • In what ways is this passage encouraging news to people who sin? How is it frightening news as well? • How can you wear clothes today washed in Christ’s blood? What attitudes and actions is this passage calling you to embrace?