
March 29, 2020

Glory and Grace in Waiting

March 29, 2020 • Pastor Josh Kee

RESOURCE: RightNow Media - on-line library. For access, email Heather at heatherp@clearwatercommunity.org and she will send an invitation.
For all past messages and links: https://clearwatercommunity.org/events/upcoming-events/coronavirus/

Glory and Grace in Waiting
Passages: Colossians 3:12-17

Main Point:
Seasons of waiting are necessary for God’s deeper work on our character to be accomplished. His purpose is to shape character in us that produces hope (Romans 4-5) and is able to endure all seasons of life.

Colossians 3:12-17
• Whatever our circumstance, we can be confident that God’s will for us is to be changed to become more like Christ. In his grace and wisdom, God provides opportunities for these to be shaped in us, usually through means that we would otherwise not choose for ourselves.
• Character work usually takes place when we are placed in close proximity with people who have a high capacity to irritate us. These are the opportunities for us to put on Christ.
• What we consider inconveniences or irritations may very well be the God-ordained opportunities for us to become more like Christ.
• This could be a season in which God reveals sin that exists at depths our typically busy lives rarely allow us to get to. These sins are revealed in our dispositions and attitudes toward others. Remember that God is wholly committed to making us holy so that we lack nothing.
• Q’s:
o Does this instruction give any consideration for application based on circumstances? What do these verses show us about God’s desire for his people?
o What does it mean for us to “put on” these traits? (Considering letting younger kids physically put on some clothes, then observe what is required and tie it to the spiritual “clothes” referenced in these verses).
o Read through the list of character traits, or virtues. Which are difficult to put on in your current situation? Confess them, to God and your family. Ask for forgiveness and grace to put these on.
o What are other ways you and your family (if applicable) can put these verses into practice?
o Notice that thankfulness is mentioned in some fashion three different times in these verses. Gratitude is a key marker of those who are in Christ, but it must be put on with intention. How can you put on thankfulness this week?
o How do periods of waiting help serve God’s purposes in our lives?

Practical application:
• Redeem this season of waiting by actively submitting to God’s character work in your life.
• Ask God to help you tune in to what he is doing in your heart during this season.
• Actively love the people closest to you by emulating Christ.

RESOURCES: app and website
• Prayer guide to keep us oriented to God
• Family resources for the next couple of weeks under “Sermons” tab on website & mobile app
• RightNow Media – online Christian library of resources; email heatherp@clearwatercommunity.org
• Dwell Bible listening app – use link to access CCC’s group; free for 60 days
• Updates – we will send notifications and will post a video update on Wednesdays

• Programs – all canceled until further notice
• Small groups
o please avoid gathering in groups per the governor’s recommendation
o Facetime/ Zoom video chats and dinners
• Prayer requests (email or reach out to your small group leader or elder)
• Contact your elder with spiritual/ physical needs
• Benevolence/ Harriet’s
o Drop canned goods or pastas off in the black bins at the church office
• Giving – online giving via website or app