
October 4, 2020

The Reality of the Empty Tomb

October 4, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 20:1–18

October 4th 2020 - The Reality of the Empty Tomb
John 20: 1-18
The reality of the empty tomb:
• The report of Mary and the women (1–2)
• The discovery of the two disciples (3–9)
• The elicited response of the disciples (10)

Truths that we can make from the empty tomb:

1) The empty tomb produces belief in those who are truly the children of God.
2) The empty tomb indicates a new creation has dawned.
3) The empty tomb demonstrates Jesus possesses the power and authority of God.

Mary’s experience indicates the following concerning our sorrowful condition:
1. The resurrected Jesus made atonement to overcome grief with grace.
2. The resurrected Jesus made a relationship with God possible again for fallen sinners.
3. The resurrected Jesus made his followers into the true family of God.

Main Idea: By his resurrection, Jesus overcomes grief by enabling a relationship that will never end.