
October 1st 2017

Exodus 1: 1-22

October 1, 2017 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Exodus 1:1–22
Theme: Let the Exodus Begin
1. God fulfills his promises (1:1–7).
2. The wicked will violently oppose God’s plans (1:8–14).
3. As his children, we must choose to fear God above all else (1:15–22).

Main Idea: As his holy people, trust God will accomplish his purposes no matter what life looks like at the time.

Reflection Questions:
• What prior themes from Genesis are essential for properly understanding Exodus?
• In light of Genesis 1:28; 9:1, 7, what is the author of Exodus signaling to us in Exodus 1:1–7?
• Why do you think that the author begins Exodus with so little mention of God (he isn’t mentioned until v. 17; and he doesn’t act overtly in this story)? In what ways should this affect our understanding of how God works today?
• How does wickedness oppose God’s plans in our context today?
• Are there times today that we must act on our fear of God when society or even government might demand that we do otherwise? List some instances.