
November 19th 2017

The Passover Lamb

November 19, 2017 • Pastor Josh Kee

Summary: The Passover was and still is central to the Jewish faith and worship. There was not a more significant event for Israel, and, aside from Christ’s resurrection, there is not a more significant event for Christians today. We have no hope if Jesus Christ is not the Passover Lamb who was slain for the sins of world. Join us this week as we look into the first Passover and celebrate God’s grace toward us through Communion.

Discussion Questions:
1. Are you convinced that you are deserving of death and judgment because of your sin?

2. How does our culture try to convince us that sin is not as bad as Scripture says it is?

3. What is the difference between Faith Applied and Faith Acknowledged?

4. What does it mean to apply faith in the death and resurrection of Christ?

5. Are you careful to celebrate and remember the work of Christ as the ultimate Passover Lamb? Individually? As a family? As a community of faith?

6. Why is our consistent celebration of the Lord’s Table/ Lord’s Supper/ Communion so important to the life of the church?

7. As Israel was to eat the Passover meal clothed and ready to leave, we are to live in such a way that is prepared for Christ’s return. What does this look like in your life?