
July 11th 2021

HEBREWS :: The Way Forward Through Perfection

July 11, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 10:1–18

Theme: The Way Forward through Perfection
Passage: Hebrews 10:1–18

How is perfection attained?

1. Perfection cannot come through the Law (1–4).

2. Perfection comes through Jesus accomplishing God’s will (5–18).
a. God’s will is to make us holy through Jesus’ offering (5–10).
b. Jesus has perfected those of us He has made holy (11–14).
c. The Holy Spirit internalizes God’s will for us so that we know we are forgiven (15–18).

Main Idea: Jesus offered Himself to perfect us completely in God’s eyes.

Application Questions:
• How do you understand perfection? Do you have perfectionist tendencies? How might your understanding of perfection affect your relationship with God?
• What transformation occurs with the Law in this section (see vv. 1 and 16–17)? Does this mean that there no longer is law for believers? Explain.
• What do we learn about God’s will from this passage (especially vv. 5–10)? How does this impact your view of God’s will for your life?
• According to this passage, are you perfect? made holy? forgiven? Explain. What applications should these realities lead you to make this week in your own life?

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