
September 19, 2021

The Way Forward in Service

September 19, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 13:1–6

Theme: The Way Forward in Service
Passage: Hebrews 13:1–6

How thankful service to God (12:28–29) acts toward the people in our lives:

1. Spiritual Siblings: Lovingly care for your spiritual brothers and sisters (1)
2. Strangers: Hospitably care for those you don’t know (2)
3. Suffering: Think about those suffering for Christ and act accordingly (3)
4. Spouse: Vigilantly remain sexually pure (4)
5. Self: Conduct your life free from the care of money (5–6)

Main Idea: Service focuses on the situation and needs of others by deemphasizing the desires of self.

Application Questions:
• Are you connected with this body of believers so that you can lovingly care for your brother and sisters here? How can you connect more deeply to obey the command in v. 1?
• Why might believers struggle showing hospitality to those they don’t know, even in the context of the church? What can be done to address a lack of hospitality in your life?
• What can you do to empathize with and help those who are suffering for the cause of Christ?
• Where are you weakest in the battle to remain sexually pure? What steps do you need to take to remain sexually pure in our current context?
• What practical ways can you implement in your life to free yourself from the love of money?

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