
November 7, 2021

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Romans 8:26–30

Passage: Romans 8:26–30
Theme: Living by the Spirit considers suffering glorious

Why can we be confident that our present sufferings can’t compare to our future glory?

1. The Spirit helps in our time of weakness (26-27).
a. He intercedes when we don’t even know how to pray (26).
b. He intercedes in line with God’s will since the Father knows the mind of the Spirit (27).

2. God will bring his plan for glorification to completion (28-30).
a. Promise: For those that love him, God works all things together for their good to accomplish his purposes (28).
b. Purpose: God is working out this good to bring those that love Him to their glorification (29-30).
How do we know this?
1) Those whom He foreknew, He predestined to become like His Son and to be included in His family.
2) Those He predestined, He called.
3) Those He called, He justified.
4) Those He justified, He glorified.

Main Idea: God has always planned to use suffering to display his glory in us.

Application Questions:
• In what ways does the Spirit help in our weakness? Would we be able to sense this work, and if so, have you sensed it before?
• What is the difference in meaning between saying that all things work together for good for those that love God and God works in all things for the good of those that love him? What does this indicate about God and his plan?
• What is the logical sequence in the chain of salvation events described in vv. 29–30? How is glorification described at the end of v. 30?
• According to this passage, why might God have chosen to include our suffering in his plan? Does this encourage or discourage you?

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