
November 14, 2021

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Romans 8:31–34

Theme: Living by the Spirit Secures God’s Protection
Passage: Romans 8:31–34

Question: If God is for us, who can be against us (31)?
What “God for us” looks like (32-34):

1. He gave His Son (32).
a. Question: Why would God withhold from those for whom He gave his Son?
b. Answer: He wouldn’t fail to graciously give what is necessary for our spiritual needs.

2. He chose us (33).
a. Question: Who can bring a charge against God’s elect?
b. Answer: No one can because God is the one who justifies.

3. Jesus intercedes for us (34).
a. Question: Who shall condemn us?
b. Answer: No one because Jesus Christ stands in as our defense.
1) He died for us.
2) He was raised for us.
3) He is at the right hand of God for us.
4) He intercedes for us.

Main Idea: We can rest secure in the work that God accomplishes for us.

Application Questions:
• Why do we as God’s children still doubt his ability or love at times in our lives? How can we combat this in our minds?
• What is included and not included in the promise that God will give us all things in v. 32?
• How does God’s work of justification provide the answer to the question of who can bring a charge against those whom God has chosen?
• What role does Christ take in these verses? What does this suggest to us about how we are to mirror him in our lives and interactions with others?

More from Romans 8