
June 20th, 2021

HEBREWS :: Jesus is the Better Way Forward

June 20, 2021 • Pastor Josh Kee • Hebrews 7

Hebrews 7:1-28 Sermon Information // Jesus & Melchizedek

Title: "Jesus is the Better Way Forward"

1. Melchizedek is greater than the Levitical Priest (7:1-10)
a. "King of righteousness" (Hebrews 1:9; Psalm 72:7)
b. "King of Peace" (Isa. 9:6, 53:5; John 14:27; Ephesians 2:14)
c. Resembles Jesus (3)
d. Melchizedek's greatness (4-10)
2. The Levitical Priesthood had changed (7:11-19)
a. Jesus is the better priest (11-12)
b. Jesus is the King-Priest (13-14)
c. Jesus is an enduring priest because he possesses an indestructible life (15-17; Psalm 110:4)
d. Jesus brings us into God's presence, providing a better hope (18-19; see 6:18-19)
e. Jesus guarantees a better covenant (20-22)
f. Jesus is able to save completely (23-25)
3. Jesus is qualified to serve as priest forever (26-28)

The point is to give the readers assurance that their sins are forgiven because Jesus is the better priest, mediating a better covenant, qualified by his own moral perfection and acceptable sacrifice to atone for sins, and guaranteed by the unbreakable promise of God.

Anyone who will come to God through faith in Christ has reason to be confident that they are accepted in the presence of God.

Discussion Q’s:
1. How are righteousness and peace related? (Why is it impossible to have peace without righteousness?)
2. What does it mean to experience Christ’s peace in your life? Are you experiencing it?
3. What are you trusting in as you approach God? Are you prone to trust in an incomplete/ impotent system (morality, self-effort, adherence to the law or rules, etc.)?
4. Why is the law unable to save and transform? How does transformation take place?
5. What does it mean that Jesus is able to “save to the uttermost”? How does this encourage you, even as you battle sin in your life?
6. How does Jesus’ high priestly work give us confidence in our relationship with God? Are you enjoying that confidence? What keeps you from it?

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