
August 14, 2022

The Thousand Year Reign

August 14, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 20:1–10

Theme: The Thousand Year Reign
Passage: Revelation 20:1–10

Main Idea: The coming of Christ brings ultimate justice.

How? Notice three consequences of Christ’s Coming Reign:

1. Satan bound and imprisoned in the Abyss (1–3)
This means:
a. God allows Satan’s current activity.
b. He deceives the nations.

Application: As followers of the Lamb, Counter Satan’s deception.

2. Faithful martyrs vindicated (4–6)
a. God has passed judgment in their favor
b. They will be made alive again
c. They will rule with Christ

Application: View life from your eternal position:
• You are blessed and holy
• You have eternal life
• You serve God and Christ
• You will rule with Christ

3. Satan’s deception eternally ended (7–10)
a. God allows His release.
b. Those who decisively reject Christ will always oppose God.
c. God will eternally destroy His adversaries to protect His people.

Application: Follow the Lamb and Rest in God’s protection

Questions to Ponder:
 Why do you think God allows Satan to currently deceive the nations as well as engage in his activities to wage war against His people?
 How can you counter Satan’s deception with your life? How can we do so corporately as the body of Christ? What role do you play in that?
 What will service and rule look like in Christ’s kingdom? How should our eternal destination as resurrected co-rulers with Christ impact the way that we live now?
 Why would God choose to release Satan to deceive the nations once again?
 What does resting in God’s protection and provision look like in your life?

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