
September 5, 2021

September 5, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 12:4–17

Theme: The way forward requires discipline
Hebrews 12:4–17

Main Idea: Running life’s race with endurance requires God’s discipline.

1. The Reality leading to this truth
a. We haven’t suffered as much as Christ or others (4).
b. We easily forget “God disciplines those he loves” (5–6).

2. The Rationale for this truth
a. Relationship: Fathers discipline their children (7–8).
b. Respect: Children submit to their Father’s discipline (9).
c. Benefit: Fathers discipline ultimately for their children’s good (10).
d. Experience: For those trained by it, the momentary pain of discipline produces a peaceful harvest of righteousness (11).

3. Our Response to this truth
a. Strengthen up that which is weak (12).
b. Stick to the straight path (13).
c. Pursue peace and holiness rather than turning aside for the pleasures of the present (14).

Application Questions:
• In your mind, what does the word discipline connote? Which understanding of discipline is prominent in this text? Does discipline in this text include punishment at all?
• How does suffering and pain function within God’s discipline process for his children? How have you experienced this in your own life? What did you learn through that process?
• Peace, holiness, and righteousness seem to be the goal or outcome of enduring through discipline (vv. 11 and 14). Can these be obtained or accomplished by us? How is it that holiness is required to see the Lord? How do we receive this holiness (as well as peace and righteousness)?
• What warning(s) are taught by the example of Esau? How does this motivate you to run life’s race with endurance?

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