
September 4, 2022

The New Jerusalem

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 21:9–27

Theme: The New Jerusalem
Passage: Revelation 21:9–27

Theme: The New Jerusalem displays God’s design for the future of those loyal to Him.

1. New Jerusalem’s Appearance (9–14):
a. Shines with God’s Brilliant Glory
b. Narrates God’s Salvation Plan

2. New Jerusalem’s Measurements and Material (15–21):
a. Point to God’s Perfection
b. Adorn His dwelling with beauty and grandeur

3. New Jerusalem’s Inhabitants (22–27):
a. Require no temple because God and the Lamb are present
b. Need no sun and moon because God and the Lamb are light
c. Consist of all peoples who walk in light and worship God
d. Wrestle no more with sin because they possess the Lamb’s holiness and life

Main Challenge: Our eyes must look to God’s city.

Application Questions:
• What is something you have seen or experienced that simply amazes you? Why do you find it so amazing?
• Why do you think God chooses to reveal his final place with his faithful followers as the vision of a city?
• What details of the city stand out to you? What things are missing from a description of a city? How does the city reveal God, and what does this city teach us about God?
• In what ways does vision transform from what John anticipated in 21:9 to what he sees in 21:10ff? What does this teach us about our relationship with God?
• Why would John bring up impurity, sin, and deceit in v. 27?
• What relevance does New Jerusalem have to your present life?

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