
August 8, 2021

The way forward by faith (part 2)

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 11:8–22

Theme: The way forward by faith (part 2)
Passage: Hebrews 11:8–22

2. Faith in Action (continued):
e. Abraham’s Family (8–22)
i. Faith follows God even when we don’t know where He is leading (8).
ii. Faith resides in a world that is not our home (9–10).
iii. Faith receives the impossible because we focus on the Faithful Promiser (11–12).
iv. Faith continues to death even if God’s promises aren’t fully realized in our lifetime (13–16).
v. Faith gives what God requests even when this would seem to jeopardize our understanding of God’s promises (17–19).
vi. Faith looks to the future to see the realization of God’s promises (20–22).

Call of Faith: Trust God no matter how your life is playing out this side of glory.

Application questions:
• Which statement of faith lived out in Abraham’s family resonates with your present situation?
• Do you notice any discrepancies in the way that the author of Hebrews portrays the faith of Abraham’s family from your own recollection of these stories from Genesis? What does this teach us about the life of faith?
• Do you think of the promises of God as something fulfilled in your life presently or something that awaits you in the future? Explain. How might this influence your own walk with God?
• Why do you think that God doesn’t allow us to see the fulfillment of his promises within our lifetimes? What may mean for your life right now?

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