
May 3rd, 2020

Confronted with the true glory and grace of God

May 3, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 6

Title: Confronted with the true glory and grace of God
Passage: John 6:1–71

1. Feeding the Thousands (6:1–15)

Jesus is our Provider

2. Walking on Water (6:16–21)

Jesus is our Deliverer

3. The Bread of Life (6:22–71)

Jesus is our Provision

Main Idea: We must accept Jesus for who he is rather than for what we selfishly want him to be.

Application Questions:
From the three scenes that depict Jesus as provider, deliverer, and provision, what have you learned or seen afresh about Jesus?
In what ways do these scenes and what they reveal about Jesus challenge the way that you live? How will this change the way that you live?
Describe the process of salvation (who does what) from Jesus’ proclamation that he is the bread of life (22–59).
List out the different actions and responses that Jesus asks of the crowd in vv. 22–59. How does this affect our understanding of “believing in Jesus?”
Why do so many disciples leave and reject Jesus at the end of this chapter (vv. 60–71)? What might this indicate for our church and your own personal walk with Jesus?