
July 25, 2021

Theme: The way forward with endurance

July 25, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 10:26–39

Theme: The way forward with endurance
Passage: Hebrews 10:26–39

Our two-fold motivation to endure obeying the commands of vv. 22–25:

1. Be Warned: God will judge anyone who rejects His Son (26–31):
a. No other sacrifice exists that can cleanse our sins.
b. The one rejecting insults God and His plan.
c. It’s in God’s nature to judge sin and sinners.

2. Be Encouraged: You are sticking it out for something greater (32–39)
How can I be encouraged?
a. Remember what God has already accomplished in your life, especially in difficult times (32–34).
b. Hold on to the confidence Christ brings because you will receive the promised life (35–39).

Main Idea: As believers, we don’t turn from Christ and face destruction, but endure by faith to reach our promised salvation.

Application Questions:
• Endurance sounds like effort and work. How is this consistent with the call throughout Hebrews and all the NT for faith alone in Jesus Christ as our means of salvation?
• What do you make of the depiction of God as a God of judgment and vengeance throughout this passage? Considering our modern tendency to focus on His love, how can this be incorporated into our depiction of God when we tell others of him or seek to explain God in our teaching?
• How are you encouraged to endure by what God has already accomplished in your life? Consider and discuss difficult times through which God has brought you.
• From this week and last week’s sermon (10:19–25), we can we do to hold on to the confidence Christ brings? Why is Christian community so vital to accomplish this?

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