
July 18th, 2021

HEBREWS :: The Way Forward in Community

July 18, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 10:19–25

Title: The Way Forward in Community
Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25

Main Idea: Jesus’ work opens the way forward for us to enter the presence of God:

Let’s answer two “how” questions from this text:
1. How do we know that?
a. The shed blood of Jesus provides confidence to enter.
b. Jesus serves as our high priest over God’s house.

2. How do we move forward into God’s presence?
a. We draw near with a heart that truly possesses the full assurance that faith brings (22):
i. We have been cleaned of guilt
ii. We are washed pure
b. We hold unswervingly to the hope we profess (23).
c. We “consider” how to spiritually help one another love and do good (24).
i. Manner:
1. Stay connected (25a)
2.Encourage (25b)
ii. Reason: The Day is approaching (25c)

Application Questions:
• What comes to your mind when you ponder the presence of God? What is this passage suggesting that we uniquely gain if God is omnipresent?
• If Jesus has accomplished all of this for us, why do we struggle at times to have the confidence and boldness that this passage suggests we possess?
• According to this passage, from where does our assurance come (see especially v. 22)?
• What does unswervingly mean in the clause hold unswervingly to the hope we profess?
• Do you consider how to spiritually help others within the church body love and do what is right, or is your focus almost exclusively on your own walk with the Lord? What might that look like in your life?

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