Passage: Revelation 15:1–8
Theme: Preparation for the Final Bowl Judgments
Notice what the preparation for the final bowl judgments teaches us about God’s victory and judgment:
1. Temple Imagery: Victory and Judgment emerge from the presence of God
2. Seven Angels carrying seven bowls: Victory and Judgment are offered by God in response to human loyalty
3. The Conquerors: Victory and Judgment motivate worship in God’s faithful followers.
a. He alone is holy.
b. He draws followers from all nations.
c. His actions and ways are right.
Main Idea: God’s judgment reveals his justice and faithfulness to deliver those loyal to Him.
Application Questions:
• How does what we see in chapter 15 concerning God’s judgment and victory in heaven counter what judgment and victory have looked like on earth under the rule of the dragon and his beasts (Cf. chap. 13)? How might that play out in our society today?
• What parallels do you see in this chapter with God’s relationship to his people at the time of the Exodus? What is this vision communicating through these parallels?
• Why do people today struggle so much with visions like this about God, His wrath, and judgment? How would you respond to someone who rejected such a depiction of God?
• Is it appropriate for believers to worship God for his vindicating judgments? How can we do so in a proper manner?
• According to this vision, how do we demonstrate our loyalty and submission to our just God?
July 3, 2022
Preparation for the Final Bowl Judgments:
July 3, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 15
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