
August 7, 2022

The Return of the King

August 7, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 19:11–21

Theme: The Return of the King
Passage: Revelation 19:11–21

John emphasizes three aspects of the 2nd Coming:

1. Christ’s Glorious Appearance (11–16)
a. He is faithful to His promises and true in His words.
b. He judges and wages war justly.
c. He sees perfectly and completely.
d. He possesses sovereignty over all nations.
e. He earned his victory through self-sacrifice.
f. He is the Word of God.
g. He brings His loyal followers with Him.
h. He unleashes the full wrath of God over his opponents.
i. He announces that He is the only King and Lord.

Christ’s glorious appearance needs to motivate obedience now.

2. Angelic Invitation for birds to feast on the opposition (17–18).

Heed the invitation to trust in Christ alone now!

3. Christ’s Victory over those who oppose Him (19–21)

Long for this victorious day by preparing yourself and others now.

Main Idea: The return of the King must change our mindset and actions now!

Application Questions:
• How often do you think about the return of Jesus Christ? What can you do to ponder this climactic event more often?
• Which description of Christ at His return challenges you (vv. 11–16)? Why and how so?
• What emotions does Christ’s defeating of His enemies cause in you (sadness; fear; joy)? Why?
• If you knew the exact time of Christ’s return, what would you be doing differently? What can you be doing so that you are living this way now?

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