
August 16, 2020

Glory and Grace :: Rejected by the world

August 16, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 15:18–27

Theme: Glory and grace rejected by the world
Passage: John 15:18–27

Main Point: Understand, Christian, the world hates you!

Why? Three reasons according to this passage:

1. You follow Jesus (18–21).
a. You are no longer a part of the world’s system.
b. You have been chosen by Jesus
c. You will face rejection and persecution because you claim Jesus’s name.
2. You renounce sin by choosing to obey God’s Word (22–25).
a. Jesus exposed sin.
b. Jesus revealed the Father.
c. The world hates all of this.
3. You stand for the Truth (26–27).
a. The Spirit of truth has come to testify to Jesus.
b. The Spirit possesses you to testify through you.

Summary: We need to see and accept the reality that the world hates us because we follow Christ.
Application Points:
o Be hated for the right reasons.
o Take your children by the hand.
o There is no bandwagon jumping.