
August 15, 2021

The Way of Faith in the Midst of Suffering

August 15, 2021 • Pastor Josh Kee • Hebrews 11:23–40

Hebrews 11:23-40
Title: "The Way of Faith in the Midst of Suffering"

1. The Faith of Moses (11:23-29)
a. Faith acts despite hard consequences (23)
b. Faith chooses the promise of God over the pleasures of the world (24-27; Psalm 84:10-12; Philippians 3:8-10)
c. Faith fears God more than man (28; Psalm 118:6; Heb. 13:6)
d. Faith leads the way in obedience (29)
2. The Faith of Israel (11:30-31)
a. Faith chooses the wisdom of God over the wisdom of man (1 Cor. 1:18-31)
b. Faith passes through every hindrance to the purposes of God (Isa. 43:2)
3. The Faith of Rahab (11:32)
a. Faith opposes that which opposes God (Matt. 12:30)
b. Faith aligns with God
4. Other examples of Faith (11:33-38)
a. Faith overcomes (33-35a)
b. Faith endures suffering for a better reward (35b-38; 2 Cor. 4:16-18; 1 Peter 1:6-9)
5. The reward of faith (11:39-40)
a. Jesus completes and fulfills every promise of God
b. In Christ we possess the true reward of faith

The point is to give readers ample examples of those who trusted God before them so that they will not give up their hope but persevere in faith amid their suffering.

Those who endure suffering by faith and align themselves with God will receive the great reward of their faith – imperishable life in Christ and indestructible joy in fellowship with God.

Discussion Q’s:
1. What do these verses teach us about the biblical expectations of what being faithful to Christ might mean? Are your expectations of the Christian life aligned with God’s word?
2. Who has served as examples of enduring faith in your life? How do these people encourage you to keep trusting in Christ?
3. What pleasures of the world tend to allure you? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you apprehend the treasure that Christ is.
4. Is there anything that is currently tempting you to turn from Christ? (societally, politically, internally?) How does Christ’s high priestly work encourage you to bring these things honestly to him?
5. Where are you tempted to align with the world’s system of values rather than with God? Confess these areas in faith that Jesus is sympathetic and stands to give you grace to endure faithfully.
6. How does suffering prove the substance of our hope as Christians? What suffering are you enduring currently or have endured at some point? How did/do the promises of God give you hope and endurance?
7. How often do you think of the future “city” that God is preparing for those who are in Christ? Spend some time this week considering what this city will be like, when sin is judged forever and Christ reigns in perfect righteousness.

More from Hebrews

October 3, 2021

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 13:18–25

Theme: Final Remarks for the Way Forward Passage: Hebrews 13:18–25 Three final calls to action as the book of Hebrews closes: 1. Pray for leaders to possess the conviction to powerfully display the Gospel (vv. 18–19). 2. Trust the work God is doing for you through Jesus (20–21). 3. Continue to persevere in the gospel (22). Main Idea: God’s has mapped out the way forward on life’s journey in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Application Questions: • What do vv. 18–19 teach us about the content of our prayers as well as how to pray? • How does the content of v. 20 serve as the basis for the request of equipping believers to do God’s will in v. 21? What does this indicate about God’s will in our lives? • What does it mean that God “works in us what is pleasing to him through Jesus Christ” in v. 21? How should this impact the way that you live? • What has Hebrews taught you about perseverance in the gospel?

September 26, 2021

September 26, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 13:7–17

September 26, 2021 - The Way Forward Following Your Leaders Passage: Hebrews 13:7–17 Title: The Way Forward Following Your Leaders Main Idea: God provides us with guides for our spiritual journey. Thus, we must: 1. Imitate our spiritual mentors (7–8). a. Remember their teaching. b. Observe their life choices. 2. Trust Christ’s Sacrifice (9–16). a. Don’t follow faddish teaching (9). b. Follow Christ’s path (10–14). c. Offer God sacrifices that praise him (15–16): i. Speech that confesses his name ii. Service that benefits others 3. Submit to your church leaders (17). a. They watch over your souls. b. They will give account. c. The more joyous their task, the more benefit to you Application Questions: • Name the spiritual mentors that have impacted your life. What was it about them that made such an impact on you? • How are you vulnerable to false teaching today? • What does Christ’s path suggest about the way our lives should look (vv. 12–14)? How does this differ from your current reality? • What does submitting to your current church leaders mean and not mean? How can we make their work joyous and not a burden?

September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Hebrews 13:1–6

Theme: The Way Forward in Service Passage: Hebrews 13:1–6 How thankful service to God (12:28–29) acts toward the people in our lives: 1. Spiritual Siblings: Lovingly care for your spiritual brothers and sisters (1) 2. Strangers: Hospitably care for those you don’t know (2) 3. Suffering: Think about those suffering for Christ and act accordingly (3) 4. Spouse: Vigilantly remain sexually pure (4) 5. Self: Conduct your life free from the care of money (5–6) Main Idea: Service focuses on the situation and needs of others by deemphasizing the desires of self. Application Questions: • Are you connected with this body of believers so that you can lovingly care for your brother and sisters here? How can you connect more deeply to obey the command in v. 1? • Why might believers struggle showing hospitality to those they don’t know, even in the context of the church? What can be done to address a lack of hospitality in your life? • What can you do to empathize with and help those who are suffering for the cause of Christ? • Where are you weakest in the battle to remain sexually pure? What steps do you need to take to remain sexually pure in our current context? • What practical ways can you implement in your life to free yourself from the love of money?