
December 22, 2024

December 22, 2024 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Luke 12:32

Theme: Our Father’s Gift

Passage: Luke 12:32d

The Father’s Giving:

1.       God gives so that His people may know His salvation (1:73, 77; 8:10).

2.       God gives in abundance to those who take what He has given and use it for His glory (8:18, 12:48, 19:26).

3.       God gives to those who ask (11:9, 13).

Kingdom in Luke:

·     Future Realm (22:16–18, 29–30)

·     Present Reality (17:20–21)

·     Received as a little child (18:15–17)

·     Incredibly difficult for the rich to enter it (18:18–25)

·     Requires our allegiance (18:29–30)

Progression of God’s giving in relation to the Kingdom:

·     The Father will give the Son the throne of His Father David (1:32, 33).

·     The Son gave His body for His followers (22:19).

·     Therefore, receive it as a little child takes a gift given (18:16–25).

Main Idea: God gladly offers us the kingdom which is received today by serving alongside Jesus’ followers.

Application Questions:

·     How does God’s giving counteract our self-sufficiency?

·     In what ways do you struggle to receive the gifts that God is pleased to give to you?

·     How can the kingdom be both a future realm and a present reality? Why is it important for us to maintain both aspects in our understanding of what Jesus is doing for and through His church?

·     In Luke 18:15–25, Jesus taught that the kingdom could only be received like a little child receives. What did He mean by this? How does this apply to your life today?

·     Jesus’ giving of His body in Luke 22:19 calls us to model Jesus’ sacrifice. How are we to mirror this work of Christ in our lives and service? 

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